Friday, May 26, 2006

The Insomnia feeling ZZZ...... :
in·som·ni·a (n-smn-)
Chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for an adequate length of time.
Is insomnia just another disorder.....or it means much more. Is it an indicator that our practices are not suitable for relieving the daily stress encountered by us!
One of my teachers said: "The optimum time for sleep should be 4-6 hours.The people who sleep more than 6 hours are burden on themselves and people who sleep less than 4 hours are burden on us"
So I present out five ways out for solving this simple looking complex problem:
1. Analyse your lifestyle: first find out whether your lifestyle is deprivung you of a sound sleep, if yes modify it accordingly. Cutting short your chatting or surfing session tom have a good chunk of sleep is not a bad idea.( Though i am unable to apply this sugestion on myself)
2. Be ready for the backup:at sometimes it might be necessary for you to go for a nightout, specially before exams if you are student. Allways make sure that you backup these nightouts with adequate amount of sleep.
3. Knock out stress and anxiety: scientifically anxiety has been considered as the main reason for insomnia. So keep yourself away from stress and anxieties. Though it takes a lot of effort to imply this suggestion; the best way to keep stresses out of your mind is smiling snd laughing out loud if necessary. Exercise and proper diet can also help in checking out stress.
4. Make enviornment conducive to sleep: the bedroom should provide a conducive enviornment for sleep. It should be dark and quiet in night. Also avoid using bed for activities other than sleeping as it would reduce your association with bed.
5. Resort to medicos: sleeping pills and other remedies should be at the bottom of list. Consult with your doctor if this problem persists for a long time. Other remedies specially ayurvedic should be given a try. You can also put a check on your coffe to ensure a sound sleep.

P.S. The author himself is suffering from this problem as is evident by the time of posting of this article.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Man Vs Machines!!!

Hey!!!Don't get confused by the title of the blog. It does not discusses the future war between man and machines; terminator style. Neither it is about whether machines are still under the domain of humans or so called machinity( I have coined a new term) has made humanity its subset. You might wonder that what the hell is this about then!!
It is all about that how we have transformed us from Social animals(that's what the humans are) to moving machines( You could say machine with artificial intelligence if you are proud about the thinking capacity)!
Machine is defined as a assembelage of components whose basic purpose is to convert the basic forces of nature into useful work along with predetermined motion. Remove the last three words and you would start realising that we are slowly and steadily transforming into machines. Why i asked you to remove the last thgree words is because the thinking, the motion of humans cannot be predetermined; and thanks to this fact that we can still call us humans!!
What made us different from our counterparts( read animals ) was not only our superior brains but a trait caled HUMANITY! Thanks to us that this trait is on the verge of extinction.
We are transforming into fuel(read food) drinking(actually eating) expresionless moving creatures i.e. machines!!Just like them we are subjected to daily stress and it acauses our failure when it exceeds its permissible limits.
If the situation remains gloomy like this we will ourself merge into the domain of machines rather than them ruling us!!!

Friday, May 19, 2006

The Issue Of Kashmir!!!!!

If Heaven Exists on Earth!!!It's here!!It's here!!
These were the views of a great emperor Jahangir about Kashmir.
The heaven on earth. The crown of India.
The place where nature and humanity blends together and provide a soothing atmosphere.Even in modern times it has kept its serenity intact!!!
But is this fact true till date. We are reading so many horrible stories about Kashmir in newspapers, the massacre of 32 Hindus in Doda being the latest; that it would be easy to excuse if we start believing that the heaven on earth has been transformed to hell.
Actually tyhe problem of Kashmir is not as superficial as it looks. The anatomy of Kashmir problem is very complicated.The problem is often percieved as the clash between the two nations and more specifically the clash between Hinduism and Islaam. But it is not so.Both of these religions have bloomed in the Kashmir valley since the thirteenth century. The actual problem is that niether of the two countries is paying attention towards development of infrastructure of kashmir or for well being of its people. The results of this neglect are drastic.
Theb cost of this neglect is that Kashmir is torn about both at geogrophical and moral level; the latter divide being more drastic.This divide has prevented the development of a general consensus against the monster of Terrorism. Thogh it might be true that Terrorism is being sponsored by Pakistan, the major reason that it is flourishing in the valley is that the people of kashmir see no solace under the ageis of Indian government.
The need of the hour is thus to develop out Kashmir. Of course this does not subdues the efforts of talks between the two countries or use of military actions against the terrorists; but the need of hour is to create a conducive atmosphere in Kashmir. This would ensure that people of Kashmir come out in their full force to curb terrorism.