Sunday, December 17, 2006

And Ambedkar Laughs!!

It has been a long time since I last blogged!! Infact almost six months!!
The Great Institute which gave me inspiration to start blogging is inspiring me now to continue it!!Yes I am back in IIT Kanpur......
The recent violence in Maharashtra over the desecration of Ambedkar Statue back here in Kanpur!This incident clearly depicts how much oppressed dalitas are despite promises of equality and provision of reservation. How much they feel isolated?
Actually Dr. Ambedkar never wished himself that he must dot every nook and corner of the country inn the form of statues! He wished that his ideology must be propagated which unfortunately has not found much heed amongst the so called dalit leaders! Dr. Ambedkar devised the scheme of reservation not just to bring the dalits in mainstream politics but he expected the power bestowed upon them to ensure the improvement of needy! This Ideology does not find much takers in todays politics which revolves around mud slanging!
When Kanshiram was a struggling leader he said "I am unlike dalit leaders of Maharashtra who just believe in erecting statues of Babasaheb, if I come to power you would see a decisive and definitive change in life of dalits!". Isn't it humorous that most of the Uttar pradesh was dotted up by statues of Ambedkar when he came to power!
The incident not only reveals the malicious intents of our politicians it also throws light on how much isolated dalits feel in the so called socio-economic upliftment.There is a sense of betrayal as the benifits of reservation and all other schemes for their upliftment have restricted to the so called creamy layer and left a vast multitude still wanting! They saw an opportunity to express their anguish after the statue was damaged and grabbed it!
In fact there are Khairlanji's happening daily in India.And our politicians are just yawning at the dead bodies of dalits!Reservations continue to be a political agenda rather than serving their purpose of bridging the divide between rich and poor; Those in demand and those having excess!
If things dont improve...More Priyankas would be gangraped and life of Bhaiyalal would be ruined everyday..and Ambedkar would laugh..wait for the day when his ideology are transformed in action... a new India is created!!